Faith, EMDR, sheep and kissing-gates
Letter to Auspsyc email list.

Lack of faith in EMDR is common, I believe, because it doesn't have a good explanatory story.

I have one.

In your brain there are two paddocks, each with sheep in them. The right paddock, (known to some as the non-dominant hemisphere, and to others as 'The Unconscious'), is joined to the left paddock by a farm track, (known to some as the 'Corpus Callosum' and to others as the 'Royal Farm Track to the Unconscious'), on which stands an old fashioned 'kissing gate'.

Kissing gate

This bit is important.

The kissing gate is connected to the eyes.

We know this from research showing differences between eye movements when the right or left brain is accessed. Hysterics look left and obsessionals look right, if I remember rightly.

In the night, sheep wander from the right paddock to the left paddock. Some call this 'Dreaming'. You can see the kissing gate moving, because the eyes move. Some call this REM sleep.

Psychosis is sickness in the flock in the left paddock. Psychoanalysis is counting the sheep in the right paddock. PTSD is when the sheep in the right paddock get frightened by a big shock and won't go through the kissing gate.

To do EMDR successfully, you must get a sheep dog to herd the flock round the kissing gate.

Then seize the kissing gate by the subjects eyes, and vigorously bang it backwards and forwards.

The sheep will be able to get from the right paddock to the left paddock, and the patient's PTSD symptoms will be eased.


David Straton